Helpful Tips On How To Ripen Avocados Fast

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Quick Overview: Different Methods on How to Ripen Avocados Fast

  • Buy them ripe
  • Place avocado in a brown bag
  • Boost ripening with banana
  • Bake the avocados
  • Let them ripen naturally on the counter
  • Submerge them in a bowl of uncooked rice
  • Pop them in the fridge 

    Unless you’ve been living under the rock for the past few years, there is a sure-shot chance that you’ll have noticed the rise of the mighty avocado. Its ascendancy into the mainstream is pretty impressive, I mean, be it avocado and scrambled egg on toast, ‘avo’ smoothie, or avocado cooking oil, this green fruit is making its way into our everyday life faster than the time it stays ripe and fresh.

    While it is true that the good-for-you fats, essential fatty acids, and vitamins make this nature’s most complete foods, a deceptively ripe avocado can ruin a perfectly good dish. Choosing a ripe avocado can be a very tricky guessing game. Depending on how you’re planning on using your avocado will actually determine what stage of ripeness is best. 

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    1. The 3 Stages of a Ripe Avocado

    Stage 1: Bright green, rock hard avocado

    These avocados are 4-7 days away from being ripe. If the bright green avocado is very hard when palmed, it is still underripe. They will have to sit on the counter for 4 days up to 1 week before they are ready to eat. I suggest you don’t even try to eat these avocados as they will be hard, waxy, and almost flavorless. 

    Stage 2: Very dark avocados

    Very dark avocados with visible flecks of green are ready to be eaten. If you want to eat avocados right away, these are the ones you should be buying. They look dark green, almost black, and are firm with s slight flex when squeezed. The insides of these avocados will be bright green against the skin and creamy on the inside, pulling away easily from the pit.

    Stage 3: Black avocados

    If the avocados are black with mottled skin texture, they are past their prime. These fruits will have dry, wrinkly skin that’s mushy to the touch. The insides of these avocados will have brown spots in the fruit accompanied by a bitter taste. Honestly, there’s no point in trying to save these, and can be discarded right away.

    2. How to Tell if the Avocado is Ripe? 

    Picking the perfect avocado can feel like a mystery but some indicators can give you a clear sign of the ripeness stage of the fruit. For avocados, you need to look out for firmness and color as primary indicators.

    • Look at the color of the fruit and give it a feel. A ripe avocado will be very dark with flecks of green.
    • You can also gently squeeze the avo and feel for just a bit of softness.
    • Take a look at the stem. If it comes off easily and shows green underneath, the fruit is ready to eat.
    • If the stem is stubborn and won’t budge, the avocado is not ready yet. 

      3. Tips and Tricks on How to Ripen Avocados Quickly

      Avocados do not ripen on trees. They ripen after they have been harvested. One of the most commonly used methods to soften avocados is placing unripe avocados in a brown paper bag with an apple or banana for 2-3 days until they are ripe. 

      The plant hormone ethylene, which occurs naturally in fruits like apples and bananas, triggers the ripening process. Placing them in a brown paper bag helps trap the ethylene gases produced by these fruits and causes the fruits to ripen faster together. 

      While this is one trick that I have been using for a few years, there are some other things that you can also try to speed up the ripening process. 

      Buy them ripe

      This is truly the best thing to do. I know a giant pile of green-to-brown bulbs at the market can get overwhelming but it’s pretty easy to find the right kind of ripe (especially if you keep the indicators mentioned above in mind). Start by checking its color, then hold it in your palm and squeeze gently to check if it’s soft but slightly firm, and finally, pluck the stem off to make sure it’s green and not brown underneath. 

      Place avocado in a brown bag

      Brown bag avocados that are too much of an evergreen rock to ripen. Breathable containers like brown paper bags allow avocados to bathe in their own naturally ethylene gas and ripens faster.

      Bake the avocados

      This is an effective way to ripen an avocado in minutes. For avocados that are dark but still very firm, this method works like magic. For totally unripe avocados that are green, allow them to hang out in a paper bag for a couple of days first if you can. To bake ‘em:

      • Wrap the avocados tightly in foil
      • Bake at 200 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes (until the fruit is softened slightly but not warmed)

      On the counter

      Another risk-free method is by letting them ripen naturally. Set the fruit in a bowl in a sunny spot on your kitchen counter. The warmth from the sun will also help the avocado ripen faster. Depending on how ripe the avo was when you bought it, it could take a few days.

      In a bowl of rice

      Submerge avocados in a bowl of uncooked rice. The rice will trap the ethylene gas and help ripen the avocados in just a few days. The rice also acts as a barrier against moisture.

      Pop them in the fridge

      If you have a ripe avocado but the party isn’t until the next day, don’t let those creamy avos go bad sitting out in the sun. Instead, pop them in the fridge so they can maintain their perfectly delicious state a bit longer. 

      4. How to Store Avocados

      Here are some simple steps to follow to store your cut avocados: 

      • You can store halved avocados in the refrigerator for 1-2 days max. If you tightly wrap the halved avocado in the skin and with the pit, it lasts longer. 
      • Face the 2 halves together, then wrap tightly with plastic wrap. This keeps any air from seeping in to oxidize the fruit and hopefully, it won’t discolor. If it does, slice away the browned and hope to see some green underneath. 

      5. Benefits of Fresh Avocados

      1. Healthy and Nutritious 
      • This fruit is a powerhouse, packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. 
      • They are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber adds bulk to your diet, which makes you feel full faster. This also makes avocados a great post-workout snack. 
      • Avocados act as “nutrient boosters” that help your body absorb more fat-soluble nutrients from other foods. 
      • They contain unsaturated fats that are essential for healthy brain development. 
      • They are also a good source of folic acid. For pregnant women, getting enough folic acid can help reduce the risk of premature birth and birth defects. 
      2. Improves Heart Health
      • Avocado is the only fruit with more than 75% “good fat”.
      • Avocados are rich in potassium. A diet that is rich in potassium helps balance out the negative effects that sodium can have on blood pressure.
      • They are also a good source of vitamin K, a nutrient that prevents blood clots and supports bone health. 
      • They are rich and creamy but have 0mg of cholesterol and 0mg of sodium per serving. 
      • A healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies can help reduce the risk of heart disease, especially heart attack and stroke.  
      3. A Great Fat Substitute
      • They make an excellent substitute for mayo and butter in sandwiches and wraps. This helps reduce the intake of calories, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. 
      • They add moisture, nutrients, and healthy fat to baked goods. Swapping avos for butter will also get you a guilt-free dessert. 
      • Avocados blend well with other ingredients. You can slip it into your kid's lunch and they won’t notice it. 

      6. Recommended Chef’s Knives to Cut Avocados

      Avocados are rather delicate. In my experience, the best knife to cut avocados would be a classic chef’s knife with a 6-10” long blade. Some other tools that might come in handy when slicing avocados is a large metal spoon and a sturdy cutting board. Here are some of my top picks for knives to handle this fruit: 

      1. Chef’s Knife 6”- Gladiator Series | herniaquestions 

      Chef’s Knife 6”- Gladiator Series | herniaquestions

        This small and maneuverable knife is a perfect addition to your kitchen arsenal whether you are a seasoned chef or a new home cook. Not only is this blade brutal on larger meats, vegetables, and fruits but also works very well when handling more delicate foods like avocados. 


        • This knife is perfectly weighted to handle both, thicker, heavy-duty cuts and more delicate detail work. 
        • The blade of this knife is also wear-resistant which provides the blade with added durability, making it last a lifetime. 
        • The knife is very easy to clean and simple to maintain, demanding very little effort and aftercare from the user. 


        • This blade is slightly narrow, making it difficult to scoop and transfer foods like slices of avocados from the cutting board to the plate. 
        • For a seasoned chef, the blade of this knife might prove to be slightly small. In that case, you can also go for an 8” chef’s knife that provides better grip and knuckle clearance.

        2. Chef’s Knife 7”- Shogun Series | herniaquestions

        Chef’s Knife 7”- Shogun Series | herniaquestions

          This blade is an absolute powerhouse in the kitchen. Although the blade is more narrow and nimble as compared to the other counterparts, this knife is as menacing. 


          • This highly versatile knife is perfect for all your slicing, dicing, mincing, and chopping needs.   
          • The blade of this knife allows you to work for longer hours, without any fatigue. 
          • The rust and corrosion-resistant cladding give you knife extra durability, making it last a lifetime. 


          • This product sits at the top of the price range in this series, so if you don’t cook as often, you could invest in one of the other blades. 
          • If you are a new chef, you can first get used to handling a shorter blade, before you try your hand at using the longer ones.

          3. Chef’s Knife 8”- Crusader Series | herniaquestions

          Chef's Knife 8" Crusader Series | herniaquestions

            The blade is the epitome of modern design and style. This all-steel knife is the perfect tool to slice up something as delicate as avocado or as tough and juicy as a full roast.


            • The painstakingly hand-sharpened blades allow the user to cut up thin, neat slices of fruits and veggies without causing flesh damage by minimizing the food drag. 
            • The full tang of the knife adds robustness and strength to the blade, helping you tackle anything put in front of you with great ease and precision. 
            • This knife is also wear-resistant, which means it will work by your side tirelessly for a very long time. 


            • This is more of an all-rounder blade. If you are looking for something avocado-specific, you can go for the shorter blades. 
            • The all-steel handle of this knife might not be preferred by everyone as it can get slippery if used for a long time. 
            4. Chef’s Knife 9.5”- Quantum 1 Series | herniaquestions

              Chef’s Knife 9.5”- Quantum 1 Series | herniaquestions

              This knife is meticulously crafted and engineered for exceptional performance. Not only will thins knife survive the harsh kitchen environments but will also make cutting, chopping, slicing, and mincing tasks a breeze. 


              • The unique pattern on the blade reduced drag and increases efficiency, giving you clean cuts of fruits, vegetables, and meat, 
              • The blade of this knife is precisely tempered for additional durability. 
              • This knife also has a very comfortable grip which makes it easy to use this long-bladed knife for hours without causing wrist fatigue. 


              • This can be a daunting blade to handle if you are a new chef. In that case, you can go for a shorter knife blade. 
              • The price of this blade can be slightly steep for someone who does not cook often. In that case, you can check out the other affordable yet menacing blades.

              5. Chef’s Knife 10”- Delta Wolf Series | herniaquestions 

              Chef’s Knife 10”- Delta Wolf Series | herniaquestions

                Say hello to the stunningly designed chef’s knife that will help you get through your kitchen tasks like a pro. Not only is this knife a sight for sore eyes, but it is also a great tool to help you move with confidence in the kitchen.


                • The blade is razor-sharp, making it super easy to cut through almost anything and everything placed in front of it. 
                • The steel of this knife is anti-corrosion, sleek, and more durable, making this a great investment. 
                • The groove near the spine of the knife lightens the blade and enhances agility so you can keep chopping with speed, for longer hours.


                • This is a long blade, so you must only go for this one if you have prior experience otherwise it could be a difficult blade to handle. 
                • The design of this blade can be too bold for some. In that case, you can go for a more minimalist design like the ones from the Crusader Series

                7. Frequently Asked Questions

                How do you ripen avocados in 10 minutes?

                Wrap the fruit in tin foil and set it on a baking sheet. Pop it in the oven at 200 degrees F for 10 minutes, or until the avocado is soft. Remove it from the oven and then put your soft, ripe avocado into the fridge until it cools. 

                How do I ripen avocados immediately?

                To ripen it quickly, place it in a bowl or paper bag next to an apple or banana.

                Can you ripen an avocado in the microwave?

                Do not microwave your avocado to ripen them faster. Although it may seem ripe after warming it up, it isn’t. It will still taste unripe and won’t have the creaminess or buttery flavor that you desire.

                Written by Himani Vaid
                Toronto-based food nerd turned food storyteller, Himani is a connoisseur of all things delish. Currently, busy thinking about what to eat next.

                Helpful Tips On How To Ripen Avocados Fast

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