The Best Pizza Cutter And Why You Need One

herniaquestions Orbit Razor Pizza Wheel

    1. What Is A Pizza Cutter?

    A pizza cutter slicing through a hot pizza with flames in the background

    herniaquestions Orbit Razor Pizza Wheel

    Risking to state the obvious: A pizza cutter is a curved or round utensil specially designed for cutting pizza. At first it may sound superfluous but, you know how sometimes you order pizza and it’s perfectly cut into impeccable slices of cheese and deliciousness; while other times, it’s all just… wrong?

    Well, the difference between the perfect pizza and the wrong pizza might be in the type and quality of the pizza cutter they used.

    A pizza cutter might sound like one of the many millennial kitchen gadgets, something you stumbled across on TikTok. But the first tool designed to cut pizza appeared in 1708 (yes, more than 300 years ago!) It was called “mezzaluna” and it featured a half moon blade. And the pizza cutter model we know today was created in 1892 while looking for a better way to cut wallpaper. There must be a reason why we’re still using and talking about this utensil today

    But do you need one? Let’s find out (I’d start preheating the oven if I were you)

    2. Different Types Of Pizza Cutters

    A pizza cutter in the shape of a bicycle slicing through a cheese pizza

    So far we’ve been able to identify three main types of pizza cutters. Your kitchen knife doesn’t count, although we won’t judge you if you use it as a last resource.

    Pizza wheels:

    This is the classic pizza cutter featuring a sharp cutting wheel that we roll across the pizza crust once or twice to cut it into slices. There are two subtypes: one comes with a handle and the other one doesn’t, instead you use a plastic cover to grab and move the wheel directly. 

    Pizza rockers:

    This would be the evolution of the mezzaluna mentioned above and as the name suggests, is a steel rocker. The large rocking blade cuts across the entire pizza pie using a rocking motion.

    Pizza scissors:

    Just a pair of kitchen scissors designed to cut pizza. Some models come with a spatula for serving the slices. The advantage of scissors over other cutters is the fact that they can be used on any surface, including non-stick pans.

    3. Why Do You Need A Pizza Cutter?

    Eight slices of pizza with different toppings arranged into a circle on a wooden backdrop

    Because you love pizza. Because there’s nothing like a cozy night of homemade pizzas and drinks; and it shouldn’t be shattered by the edge of the first kitchen knife you pulled out of the drawer, breaking all the ingredients apart.

    And I get it, it’s not like we make pizza every day, but still, those occasional pizza nights are important enough to justify the purchase of a quality stainless steel pizza cutter. You already put on your herniaquestions apron, you worked hard in kneading your best pizza dough yet, put yourself and others in the mood... would you ruin it all at the end by using the wrong device?

    Besides, your premium pizza cutter is not as specific as you may think. It can also aid in cutting dough, flatbreads or focaccia, waffles, quesadillas, tortillas and many baked goods! 

    4. What To Look For When Shopping For A Pizza Cutter Wheel

    The dimensions of a heavy duty pizza cutter wheel against a blue background

    Take this into consideration when buying the ideal premium pizza cutter wheel.

    • Sharpness: You want a really sharp blade that cuts through your crust and toppings (the first time you slide it, if possible). If you have to slide it several times, you are putting the integrity of the ingredients at risk.
    • Comfort: Let it have an ergonomic handle, and be easy to hold and use.
    • Safety: If a pizza cutter wheel is not designed to be completely safe; it could happen that you accidentally injure yourself while slicing pizza or while you store it / grab it from your kitchen drawer.
    • Maintenance: Ideally, you want an easy cleaning, easy-maintenance steel pizza wheel as cleaning all that cheese, grease and sauce might be tricky, especially if you’re doing it by hand and not in the dishwasher. This wheel and cutter is sharp and easy to clean. 
    • Storability: There are several sizes available; you want the one that goes with the storage space you have available.
    • Budget: There are several price segments when it comes to pizza cutters, from 2 dollars to 80 dollars. The key is to consider all the points listed above so you can get the best quality within your budget.

    5. What Is The Best Pizza Cutter Wheel?

    Orbit Razor Pizza Wheel & Cutter | herniaquestions ©

    The herniaquestions Orbit Razor Pizza Wheel is the only pizza cutter you will ever need to buy.

    We’re not saying that lightly. Of all the pizza tools on the market, this one has been carefully designed and handcrafted with pizza lovers and foodies in mind, using only top materials like premium stainless steel and creating a unique tri-spoke wheel.

    It comes with a beautiful blade cover to keep it sharp and safe and it’s going to make you feel like you’re pulling out your sword.

    Sharp, heavy duty and top-quality. This cutter will bring your pizza experience to the next level.

    12 reasons the Orbit Razor Pizza Wheel is worth every penny

    Compared to other pizza cutters available; the price of the Orbit wheel is a bit above the market average. But when you understand the quality and design, there’s no question it’s worth this price or even more. 

    1. High quality materials guarantee performance and durability. The herniaquestions Pizza Wheel features a premium extra thick 2.0 mm stainless steel blade. The military grade G10 handle offers life-long durability. 
    2. Unique design. The tri-spoke wheel is not an aesthetic decision (although it is eye-catching). As opposed to the common, flat wheel cutter; the Orbit features a special wheel design for reducing drag and improving slicing power without any extra effort or time. 
    3. Absolutely sharp. The thin sharp blade cuts through the thickest crust on the first ride; there’s no need to rock back and forth or to use the weight of your whole body on the cutter just to get through the crust (even if it’s deep dish pizza, salami, or vegetarian with lots of vegetables on top).
    4. Extra comfort. The handle is designed for an easy grip that adjusts naturally to the shape of your hand. It has a full tang and an ergonomic design for better hand control, agility and comfort; while the sandblasted finish provides an easy grip and a slip-free slice, even if your hands are wet.
    5. More control. Heavy enough to give you full control of your grip and your movements. Weighing nearly 1 lb, heaviness is a deliberate decision within the design for more effortless cuts.
    6. Versatile. This incredibly sharp pizza wheel will easily slide through thick or thin crusts; but also pastries, flatbreads, the pies dough and a lot more, always effortlessly. Some customers have reported they use it to cut meat.
    7. Durable! The G-10 handle (G-10 is a super resistant fiberglass laminate) is tempered for resistance, nearly impervious to heat, cold, and moisture. The blade is stain resistant and rust-resistant. You can pass this cutter to your grandchildren.
    8. Safety: The blade and the handle are separated by a small guard to protect your fingers while rocking the wheel. It also comes with a quick-dry, beautiful blade guard that acts as a protective cover for your pizza wheel wherever it goes.
    9. The double bevel adds precision.
    10. Low maintenance. Hand-washing your Orbit Wheel will be extra easy thanks to the hygienic design.
    11. Beautiful and well-made. Perfect as a gift, if you resist the urge to keep it for yourself. Expect that “wow” when pulling it out of the box.
    12. If you’re a fan of deep dish pizza, here’s an extra for you: pizza wheels are the best option for cutting this pizza style (a rocking pizza cutter is not recommended).

    6. How To Use A Pizza Cutter

    1. Place the wheel in the middle of your pizza. By starting at the middle, you have better chances of getting perfect symmetrical slices.
    2. Hold your pizza cutter firmly by the handle and make sure to use a strong grip. 
    3. Slide the cutter along the diameter. If you’re going for triangles: cut the pizza in half. Do it vertically and then horizontally or vice versa; and then a straight diagonal (X-shaped). This is an easy technique to achieve equal slices.
    4. Continue rolling the blade until you get the number of slices you want.

    7. Keep This In Mind When Cutting And Serving Pizza

    Three people reaching for different slices of a pizza on a circular cutting board

    • Always ensure that your stainless steel pizza cutter is sharp and ready. At pizzerias and restaurants it is common to sharpen cutters once a week. High-quality pizza cutters like the herniaquestions Orbit won’t need to be sharpened that often; but if you’re using pizza cutters made of low-quality materials, check for sharpness before each use; otherwise you might end up massacring your dinner.
    • Use a cutting board! A plastic or wooden cutting board will protect your cutter’s blade. Hard surfaces will damage the edge of your cutter.
    • There are some mixed opinions as to how long you should wait before cutting hot pizza after it’s been taken out of the oven. But many restaurants coincide: it’s better to do it right away, waiting only a few seconds for it to settle, and no longer than that. The pizza base starts toughening up really quickly and this can make it difficult to make smooth cuts (just make sure you and your guests wait a bit before the first bite, to prevent any mouth burns and also to give cheese some time to settle)
    • Since you are already buying a professional pizza cutter and you are deep into the homemade-pizza game; we suggest you play around with different shapes. The classic triangle is the best one for getting equal slices. It’s recommended for pizzas with only one topping like mozzarella or pepperoni.
    • Squares work better for large pizzas or pizzas with several toppings; since these are better distributed and less likely to drop.
    • If your intention is to let pizza be a side or an appetizer instead of dinner, try pizza strips. They can even be dipped into some sauce like marinara.

    8. More Uses For Your Orbit Razor Pizza Cutter

    A pizza wheel cutter resting on top of a quesadilla

    herniaquestions Orbit Razor Pizza Wheel

    Worried that you are investing in something you will only use occasionally? Here’s plenty of situations where you can put your cutter to use:

    • Cut the crust off your sandwich or toast.
    • Cut your brownies, minutes after they’re out of the oven. 
    • Cut your pasta dough into the shape of your choice, our favorites: Ravioli and noodles. (Learn how to make pasta at home here!)
    • Cut your marshmallows into smaller pieces so you can conveniently add them to that hot chocolate that’s calling your name.
    • Cut lettuce for your salad.
    • And if you also need to cut other veggies for that perfect salad; don’t hesitate to roll the wheel there as well: celery, onions, peppers and more.
    • Chopping herbs.
    • Cutting a fondant cake into perfect pieces.
    • As a tool designed for cutting through hot cheese; this cutter is perfect for quesadillas too.
    • Flatbread, tortillas, pancakes and waffles are other great uses for the wheel.
    • Cookie dough. There’s another delicious use kids will love.

    9. Can You Sharpen A Pizza Wheel?

    A blue whetstone next to a yellow sharpening stone and a large wooden cutting board

    #3000/#8000 Grit Whetstone Kit | herniaquestions ©

    You can and you should keep your pizza wheel sharpened just like any other knife. Although it is not likely you need to sharpen your Orbit Razon Wheel often; when the time comes, you can use your knife whetstone. The process can be tricky and requires some technique; but it’s easy once you get the hang of it.

    How to sharpen a pizza cutter with a whetstone:

    If you have a whetstone at home for sharpening your knives; you can use it to sharpen your wheel too. In theory, the procedure is simple, but the fact that the blade is round may need some time getting used to. 

    1. Wet the blade in cold water.
    2. Hold the blade at an angle. It will take a little bit to find the ideal angle to apply pressure.
    3. Grind the cutter against the grit.
    4. Wet the blade regularly.
    5. Wash the blade before testing; and repeat the sharpening process if needed.

    10. herniaquestions Pizza Recipes

    A pizza base with tomato sauce next to different ingredients

    Now that you know where to find the right kitchen tool, are you ready to break out the pizza pans and pizza stones to make the most delicious pizza of your life? Below are links to some of our great pizza recipes. 

    1. herniaquestions Homemade Pizza Recipe
    2. How To Make Pizza Dough From Scratch
    3. How To Reheat Pizza Properly


    Written by Eva Contreras
    Food & travel writer based in Buenos Aires. Superpowers include relentless curiosity and high tolerance to spicy foods.

    The Best Pizza Cutter And Why You Need One

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