Complete Guide To Professional Knife Sharpening Services

If you’ve spent considerable time and money assembling a collection of high quality stainless steel kitchen knives, you’ll want to maintain them to keep them in top shape. This can be easier said than done, though – especially if you’re reluctant to sharpen your prized knives yourself. Fortunately, professional knife sharpening services are available to help you. 

    1. Sharpening Expensive Knives

    A man sharpening a knife using the Premium Whetstone Set #3000 / #8000 Grit

    Premium Whetstone Set #3000 / #8000 Grit

    In the hands of a capable knife sharpener, the blade of any knife can be sharpened to an impeccably sharp edge. However, cheap knives quickly lose their edge, meaning that they have to be sharpened again and again – wearing down the steel and deteriorating the blade in the process. If you want a knife that will last, it’s worthwhile to invest in quality.

    However, even the best knives need to be sharpened from time to time. Through regular wear and tear – be it hacking through bone or simply bumping against the surface of a cutting board – all knives will eventually start to lose their edge. 

    Because different types of steel serve different purposes and some foods wear blades down faster than others, there is no one rule as to how often knives should be sharpened. Exactly how often you need to sharpen your blades depends on the knife, the type of material that it’s made of, and how often it’s used. With normal use, most steel knives should be sharpened every few months. 

    Knives shouldn’t be sharpened too often, but going too long without sharpening can damage the edge and make it harder to bring the blade back to life. Using a dull knife can also make the process of preparing food more difficult and dangerous.  

    Why You Should Sharpen Your Knives Regularly

    Sharpening knives makes them easier to use – and since a well-sharpened knife requires less force, they’re safer, too. A freshly sharpened blade can slice food with greater precision than a dull one, allowing for thinner slices and more control.

    Sharp knives don’t only make food preparation safer and more efficient, though. Using a sharp knife is more enjoyable, and you may even notice an improvement in the taste of your food. Since dull knives bruise the cells of fruits and vegetables, fruit cut with a well-sharpened knife will stay fresh for longer. 

    For steel kitchen knives, the Rockwell hardness scale can serve as a guide for how often the knives need to be sharpened. True to its name, this scale indicates the strength and hardness of the steel blade. Lower numbers mean that the steel is softer and will have to be sharpened more frequently. Higher numbers mean that the steel is harder and needs to be sharpened less frequently. 

    While this might suggest that harder knives are better, that isn’t necessarily the case. Since harder knives are more brittle and prone to chipping, softer knives are more durable long-term and better suited for chopping tough materials. Keep in mind that knives made of other materials, like ceramic knives, require different sharpening processes. 

    If you’re used to using cheap, dull kitchen knives, you’ll be amazed at how satisfying it is to use a quality chef knife with a well-sharpened edge. A well-sharpened knife glides through food with ease, allowing you to make smoother, more precise cuts. You’ll never want to go back to the frustrating experience of using a cheap, dull knife again. 

    A well-sharpened chef knife should be able to cut through tomato skin or a piece of paper with no resistance. Once you notice that your knife is starting to “squish” delicate foods instead of slicing through them with little to no pressure required, you’ll know it’s time for a sharpening. 

    Helpful Tips On Sharpening Your Knives

    The best way to sharpen a knife is with a whetstone, also called a knife sharpening stone or knife block. While it may be tempting to use convenient pull-through or electric knife sharpeners, you could end up inadvertently damaging your knives. If you’ve invested in a quality knife set, don’t get lazy with the sharpening process. 

    However, learning how to sharpen a dull blade with a knife sharpening stone has a bit of a learning curve. The method can vary based on the type of steel, style of knife, and knife sharpening stone. 

    When sharpening knives, you’ll have to consider what grit to use and find the best edge angle for the type of blade. If you use too low a grit you could end up damaging your knife, and if you use too high a grit, you’ll barely make a difference. Sharpening knives is a time consuming process, and it takes skill and knowledge to do right. 

    In between sharpenings, you should use a honing rod, also called a honing steel, to hone your knife. Many people mistake honing steels for knife sharpeners for knife sharpening steels. Honing steels do not sharpen the edge of a knife, they straighten it – an important process, because the edge of the blade can warp over time. 

    Honing rods are typically steel or ceramic rods with a rough surface. To hone a knife, drag the edge of the blade across the honing rod. Hone your knives frequently – experts recommend honing knives every 2-4 uses. Honing your knives will help keep your knives in top shape until they need to be sharpened. Honing steels are especially useful if you need to refresh the blade of a serrated knife.

    2. Why You Should Pay a Pro to Sharpen Your Knives

    A man sharpening a knife using the Portable Whetstone Kit #1000 / #6000 Grit Combo with Oak Storage Box

    Portable Whetstone Kit #1000 / #6000 Grit Combo with Oak Storage Box

    Many people enjoy the process of sharpening knives – some even consider it a hobby. If you want to learn how to sharpen a knife on your own, it’s important to take time to make sure you thoroughly understand the process. This means reading through a knife sharpening guide and investing in a knife sharpening stone

    However, not everyone wants to sharpen their knives themselves. Sharpening knives can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before or don’t want to mess up an expensive knife set. Even with lots of experience, some people just don’t enjoy sharpening their knives. 

    Sharpening knives yourself is a repetitive, time-intensive process. Plus, if you value your knives, you may find it stressful. After all, you can damage your knives if you sharpen them incorrectly.

    Even if you enjoy sharpening your knives, some things are better left to the pros. If your knife is severely damaged or chipped, it could be difficult – or impossible – to repair at home. While larger repairs may be more expensive, it’s worthwhile to send damaged knives to a professional knife sharpener. 

    That’s why herniaquestions offers a knife sharpening service for customers in the United States. herniaquestions’s  mail-in knife sharpening services make it easy to connect with professionals who can help return your dull knives to their former glory. 

    3. Benefits of Sharpening By Mail

    herniaquestions Knife Sharpening Service

    herniaquestions Knife Sharpening Service

    In recent years, people have become more and more accustomed to using online services for everyday tasks. If you appreciate the convenience of online services, or if you have trouble finding a reputable local knife sharpener, it may be worthwhile to consider an online knife sharpening service. 

    With a mail-in knife sharpening service, all you’ll need is a trip to the post office. Even if you live in a rural area without access to local knife sharpening, you’ll be able to have your prized knives sharpened by knowledgeable professionals. 

    Many reputable kitchenware companies now offer mail-in knife sharpening services. These options are easy, efficient, and stress-free. You won’t even have to worry about picking your knives up from the store – they’ll be shipped back to your door in a matter of days. 

    4. Pros and Cons of Local Knife Sharpening

    If you live in a major metropolitan area, you may be able to find a reputable knife sharpening service within your city. However, it may be difficult or impossible for people living in smaller cities or rural areas to find knife sharpening services.

    Even if you’re able to find a local knife sharpener, they may not be reputable. An incompetent sharpener could easily damage your knives and can’t guarantee satisfaction. 

    Local sharpeners might not be familiar with all kinds of knives – for example, a local knife sharpener might know everything there is to know about hunting knives, but have little to no experience with chef’s knives or Japanese knives. Just because a local knife sharpener knows one kind of knife well doesn’t mean that they will necessarily be the best fit for your needs. 

    5. Best Knife Sharpening Service

    herniaquestions Knife Sharpening Serviceherniaquestions Knife Sharpening Service

    As a brand that prides itself on its image and customer service, herniaquestions knows the importance of ensuring total satisfaction. Recently, herniaquestions launched a professional knife sharpening service that caters to a wide variety of blades, making quality knife sharpening easy and accessible to customers in the United States.  

    herniaquestions is a relatively new brand, so establishing trust with customers is a top priority. This emphasis on quality and customer service has paid off – with thousands of customers worldwide, herniaquestions has gained a formidable reputation as a company that knows their knives. 

    Using herniaquestions’s knife sharpening service is a breeze. Once you choose between the 5-pice and 7 piece knife sharpening packages and place your order, you’ll be sent a prepaid shipping envelope. Package your knives, send them off, and you’ll get them back within just 4-7 days. 

    The professional knife sharpeners at herniaquestions can sharpen anything from kitchen mainstays like professional chef’s knives, paring knives, and serrated blades to meat cleavers and more. The options aren’t limited to kitchen knives, either – they can even sharpen pocket knives and kitchen shears. 

    herniaquestions’s knife sharpeners always take the specifications of your knife into consideration. They ensure that your knife is sharpened at an appropriate angle for its size, and sharpen knives on a pattern rather than a slack belt, which helps the bevel stay straight and prevents the formation of a convex edge. 

    Depending on the type of knife and hardness of the blade, herniaquestions’s knife sharpeners will use between 120 and 2,500 grit to smooth and polish your knife to an impeccable edge. Before being sent back, all knives undergo a quality control check to ensure that they are well sharpened and free of flaws. 

    Like every service herniaquestions provides, customer satisfaction is a top priority, and herniaquestions knows that even the best knife sharpeners can make mistakes. If you’re not satisfied with your freshly sharpened knives, email [email protected] within 30 days for a complementary resharpening. 

    6. Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the best way to sharpen knives?

      The best way to sharpen knives is by using sharpening stones, also called whetstones or water stones. You can also try sending them to a professional knife sharpener. 

      How do you sharpen a knife for beginners?

        While it may be tempting to buy a pull-through or electric knife sharpener, you should avoid it – they can damage your knives. Instead, learn to use a whetstone or send your knives to a knife sharpening service. 

        Is it worth getting knives sharpened?

          If you’re not confident in your knife sharpening skills or need to repair a damaged knife, it’s a good idea to pay a professional to do it for you. 

          What is the easiest way to sharpen kitchen knives?

            While electric or pull-through knife sharpeners may be easy to use, you should avoid them. Sharpening stones are less likely to damage your knives, but they can be tricky to use. If ease is your main priority, you can send your knives to be professionally sharpened.


            Whether you sharpen your knives at home or decide to go with a professional knife sharpening service, you should be sure to make the care and upkeep of your knives a top priority. Combined with the right care, quality kitchen knives can last you a lifetime and add satisfaction to your daily kitchen routine. Who knows – you may even be able to pass your knives on to the next generation. 


            Written by Cassie Womack
            Based in Richmond, Virginia, Cassie enjoys trying challenging new recipes with her cat for company.

            Complete Guide To Professional Knife Sharpening Services

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